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Santosha Scotland are bringing a fusion of Seasonal Yoga and Reiki Day Retreats to the beautiful Isle of Luing


Santosha means contentment, which is key to our own inner peace and happiness. It enables us to appreciate the abundance and beauty of life, despite its imperfections by being grateful for the simple pleasures we experience day to day.


We (Paula and Siobhan) share a close connection as mother and daughter in law. Our mission is to encourage women to reconnect with their essential needs, find peace in the present moment and gratitude for every season. 


Seasonal Yoga and Reiki are two complementary practices we have combined to create a unique and powerful healing experience. Santosha hold space for you to receive the essence that each season has to offer by working with the natural cycles of nature.



We begin by unfurling in spring, gradually warming up through early summer until we reach our full potential in the height of summer. In late summer we return to centre and by autumn we are ready to let go and reap the harvest of the seeds we planted in spring. When winter comes we are ready to embrace the quietness and stillness that it gifts to us.


We enter a deeper understanding of our self once we realise that we are one with nature.



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